Spirit & Psychic Mediumship

Julie says, “They are only a breath away,” because that is what connecting with other dimensions feels like to her. Through breathing, emptying her mind, and connecting with her heart, she raises her vibration while those in other dimensions work to become more dense and lower their vibration to make the connection. Julie receives messages from loved ones (including pets) who have crossed over, Akashic guides, your guides, light beings, ETs, angels, elementals, collectives, and ascended masters. Julie will work with you over the phone, or by Zoom video/phone appointments nationally, and internationally, to create your connection with Spirit. Julie also holds shows, appears at events, and provides in-person readings during her travels.
Mediumship, or communicating with Spirit, has existed since ancient times hearkening back to the Oracle at Delphi, the soothsayers of the Roman empire, Viking seers, and the stargazers of kings and queens. More recently (mid-1800s), was the development of the religion of spiritualism both in the US and the UK which took off as a result the Civil War. At the same time philosophies such as: theosophy and spiritism also emerged.

The good news is, you don’t have to be a king or a queen to get a reading today. Even better, you probably can, and are, having your own mediumistic experiences which you believe, or set aside, as your imagination. Sometimes we are unaware that the unexplained drop in room temperature is a spirit near us, or the sense that Mom is nearby is really Mom visiting us. Unless we’re open, we question whether our experience is real or not. Often, young children between two and five years old experience visits with someone who has crossed over. As we grow older, these experiences fade as we become more involved with school and friends. Today, there also children being born that are already “online” so to speak and even as they grow, they connect with ETs, deceased people, read auras, and so much more. They are amazing and need our support.
We are living in a time where the vibration of the planet is raising, and people are “waking up” to their true nature and abilities. For those of us who have been here awhile, we are learning life goes on, time is not linear, there is so much more out there than us, our oneness, and the big takeaway is it’s all about energy and love.
A question Julie is often asked is, “How are you doing this?”
Julie practices mental mediumship, which involves use of her spiritual senses to see, hear and feel those in other dimensions. Julie is, for the most part, conscious of what is happening while sitting with you versus trance mediumship where the medium doesn’t recall what happened. Julie usually forgets the session. Julie is speaking with you and Spirit at the same time – bringing everyone together for a conversation. Please keep in mind that Spirit is in charge, not Julie or you. You help by being open to the experience. Spirit decides who will come through although Julie will specifically look for who you want but cannot guarantee any specific spirit.

Communication with other dimensions occurs with what is known as “the clairs.” “Clair” is the french word for “clear.” Julie will connect for you using:
clairvoyance = clear seeing
clairaudience = clear hearing
clairsentience = clear feeling
claircognizance = clear knowing
clairempathy = clear emotional feeling
clairalience = clear smelling
Combined with Julie’s experience in the field of psychology, Julie reaches into our loved ones on the other side to help you gain understanding of their past as they tell/show their lives to her. Often, you gain insight to why they were the way were and their family history. They will provide Julie significant details about their life, history and passing, as well as show what they are doing today and how they connect with you. Julie facilitates conversations between you to share love, heal wounds and get closure. It’s a get together and they’re in the room without their physical bodies. When Julie is connecting with our loved ones, she is an evidential medium providing you details about them such as: their looks, interests, how they passed, shared memories, and more to prove to you that life goes on. Julie uses the same techniques to bring through ascended masters, angels, collectives, ETs and more where she channels their messages to you which may be personal, or depending on the setting and audience, more global. Julie reads objects as well which is called psychometry. Julie uses telepathy and psychic abilities to connect with those that are alive as well.

Ascended Masters
and loved ones not with us to bring you healing
and closure.
- Are you seeking relief and healing from the passing of a loved one (including pets)?
- Are you wanting guidance in your life with spirituality, love, finances, work, and more?
- Are you just curious what Spirit has to say to you?
- Are you wanting to meet with your galactic connections and guides?
- Are you wanting to meet your personal guides?
- Do you want a soul reading from Akashic guides?
- Do you want to learn about a past life or more than one?
- Do you have an object you’re curious about and want to know more?
- Do you want to learn more about someone who is alive?
- Do you have a loved one with dementia, in a comma, or unable to communicate, and you want to speak with them?
- Does the energy in your home feel “off”, you feel like something is there that doesn’t belong there, you or loved ones are acting unusual?
Are Spirit & Psychic Mediumship sessions for you?
It’s all based on energy. Julie works through energy and that energy translates into the messages she gives you and in return gives to those in Spirit.
What Julie can do for you:
- Individual readings where only you are physically present for 45 or 60 minutes by phone, or Zoom video/phone.
- Readings for two are 60 minutes minimum, for three book 2 hours of consecutive session time. Please keep in mind, messages a spirit gives may be different with someone else present. For example, a husband with his wife.
- Group readings are designed for 4 to 8 guests present with no onlookers – Have a special event coming up? Want to host or hostess your own mediumship circle?
- Shows (over 8 attendees – Julie cannot guarantee a reading for each person beyond 10 guests)
- House cleansings are by distance only.
- Psychometry – reading an object and connecting with its’ former owner
Hopefully, this provides you with new information and you will think back on your own mystical childhood memories and pay attention to the experiences Spirit brings you today. Julie looks forward to meeting with you and creating your connection with Spirit.
Remote Zoom Phone or Video Appointments
Julie offers Zoom phone or video sessions. For phone and video sessions, an emailed audio recording is available for purchase as you begin to book your appointment. You may also record your session with your own phone. This provides you with convenience in scheduling and flexibility in location if life takes you on a journey. Julie will work with you.
Below are comments from others who have experienced these connections.
Julie cannot guarantee any specific results and the testimonials above do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using this service. This is meant to give you an idea what clients have experienced.