Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy

What is Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy?
** This service will be returning soon as a telehealth option. Provide Julie your contact information and that you’re interested. She will contact you for scheduling when everything is updated and ready. Keep in mind this service is through Julie’s other business as a licensed marriage and family therapist. When she offers it again, you must be present in California to participate. She cannot use her license to work with others in other states. She appreciates the calls she has been receiving from out of state clients but cannot do the session unless you are physically present somewhere in California. Time for a vacation? **
Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy is a cutting-edge form of grief therapy designed to reduce your sadness, repair, get closure, and reattach with your loved one who has passed. This occurs in one session lasting between three to four hours. Currently, sessions are running approximately 3.5 hours, but Julie cannot guarantee this so plan accordingly. The minimum time for this modality is 3 hours. This form of therapy uses bilateral stimulation to assist your entering a receptive state where both sadness, grief and trauma are reduced/eliminated and your connection with your loved one in spirit occurs through you instead of Julie.

It is currently successful with 98% of the clients who have a session and the painful memories they come in to session with are reduced on a 10-point disturbance scale from 10 to 0, 1, or 2 in the one session. There is no need to return for additional sessions. Please refer to the articles at the bottom of this page for more information.
How Julie works with her clients
(under construction) You’ll want to bring a snack for break and dress comfortably. You come into session and Julie will have you listen to soft music through headphones that plays bilaterally where the music shifts from one ear to the other. The music plays in the background as you talk with Julie and share all about your loved one being sure to include any disturbing memories. This is an opportunity to speak about your loved one in a way you probably haven’t had the opportunity to do before as Julie won’t be interrupting or telling you about similar experiences of her own. This session is all about you and your loved one and no one else. Julie will be writing down all your memories. When that’s complete, Julie and you will decide on the most disturbing memories to work with, you’ll take a quick break and then come back to the music and working on reducing the disturbance level with each memory. You’ll be very relaxed at this point which is when you can reattach with your loved one through any or all of the following: feeling, hearing, seeing, or smelling them. It’s usually very subtle and Julie will explain this and facilitate your experience with you. It’s important to be receptive, have no fear and just be open to whatever happens. Julie once had a person get kissed and they nearly jumped out of their chair! You want to just stay with the process even if something wild like that happens which she cannot guarantee.

Is a Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session is right for me?
- Do you miss someone who has crossed over?
- Are grief groups and therapy not getting to the core of your grief?
- Are you open to connecting to your loved on the other side yourself?
- Are there disturbing memories from your relationship, or their passing, that keep replaying in your mind?
- Did your loved one pass many years ago but you didn’t get closure, or there were unresolved issues?
- Did you have a good relationship with no abuse?
- Are you just curious to experience connecting with the other side yourself and know someone on the other side you’d like to connect with again?
- Are you already experiencing mediumistic phenomena but want to deepen and expand your experience? Basically, do your mediumship x10 or more?
Why go to Julie at It’s Possible Therapy for this?
- Julie is a certified Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy Facilitator
- She specializes in grief and trauma
- Julie is a medium and teaches others to connect with Spirit so she recognizes the signs of connection and can facilitate your experience effectively
- Julie believes we’re all mediums and she loves helping others experience what she does
To be eligible for this process, your relationship with the deceased needs to have been healthy with no abuse. Julie will screen you by phone to see if you are ready and if this modality is appropriate for you.

Julie welcomes the opportunity to facilitate your Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session which is offered through Julie’s licensed marriage and family therapist business also in Rocklin, CA. For more information, please call Julie at 916-276-4354 or visit her website at Its Possible Therapy to book an appointment. Sessions are $230 per hour. Participating in this one-time session does not preclude you from experiencing any other Luminous Passages services.
The comments below are from others who have experienced this cutting-edge form of grief therapy.
Julie cannot guarantee any specific results and the testimonials above do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using this service. This is meant to give you an idea what clients have experienced.
Articles on Repair and Reattachment Therapy
Bilateral Stimulation and Afterlife Connections by R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., The Center for Spiritual Understanding
The Resolution of Grief by Guided Afterlife Connections by R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., The Center for Spiritual Understanding