In the News
Hawaii Reporter – Please enjoy this 2-part article by Robert Kay
Julie Christensen’s Life as a Psychic Medium – Part 1

In Part 1 of this interview with Robert Kay, learn more about psychic mediumship, what it encompasses and how it can help you. Learn how Julie does what she does and the unique way she and Robert Kay met. Here is the link to Part 1.
Julie Christensen’s Life as a Psychic Medium – Part 2

In Part 2 of Julie’s interview with Robert Kay, they have fun with mediumship and give you, the reader, tips on how you can connect with loved ones on the other side. Here is the link to Part 2.
The Brown Chicken Brown Cow Show
Season 2 Episode 19 of the BCBC Nugget Series on PTSD
Julie Christensen is back in this episode and chats with Monkey and Miss Laura about PTSD as a form of disability and why it may impact people in their health, well being and sexual sense of well being.
To start, PTSD is defined as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a mental health condition that is triggered by exposure to a terrifying event, even a life-threatening event. Symptoms of PTSD may include avoidance, hypervigilance, being afraid of things, nightmares, flashbacks re-experiencing things, and feeling disconnected from others and even from yourself. There are of course more symptoms – these are just a few. There is also a complex PTSD that results from years of exposure to unhealthy relationships or sexual abuse or other situations. Some people are aware they have PTSD, and many others are not aware, even having repressed memories of the traumatic events that lead to PTSD.
Season 2 Episode 11 of the BCBC Nugget Series on Finding a Therapist
We have a packed Nugget interview with Julie Christensen LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) from ‘It’s Possible Therapy’. Monkey explores what an LMFT is and how therapists like Julie can help with many issues including trauma, grief, PTSD, and so much more. (Julie’s segment is found at minutes 28:00 – 39:00)
The Virtual Coach
Part 1 of the Interview
“Do you believe in spirits, ghosts, or communicating with people who have passed? There is a lot of coverage on the practice of “Mediumship” right now thanks to TV shows like Long Island Medium, and in this episode I sit down with Julie Christensen from Luminous Passages.
Julie is a licensed marriage and family therapist as well as a psychic medium and intuitive counselor. She was an amazing interview as she says right on her website that she herself grew up skeptical about the practice but couldn’t deny her gifts after her own personal awakening.
She was open, honest, vulnerable and funny and the interview went long, so I split it into two episodes.”
Here’s the link for non-Apple users:
Part 2 of the Interview
Part 2 of Tony’s interview with psychic medium and intuitive counselor Julie Christensen plus at the end of the interview Tony includes Julie’s reading on Tony. Julie Christensen is the owner of Luminous Passages where she helps others through the use of mediumship. She is receptive to the frequency and energy of Spirit. Julie had some mediumistic experiences as a child and earlier in her adulthood but really developed her skills in the past five years through study, practice and doing her own healing work. She has gone from being what you could call a skeptic to fully embracing her abilities as a psychic medium. In pt1 of her interview, Julie takes us through her early years and her brief encounters with spirits, as well as through her own “awakening” that eventually led to the formation of her Luminous Passages practice. I like how Julie put it on her site about pt 2 “For those not accustomed to mediumship and all it can encompass I’ll be pushing you to the limit! Don’t miss the great reading at the end that I think was brought through for someone to really benefit from. Could possibly even save a life.”
Here’s the link for Non-Apple users:
Television Interviews
Good Day Sacramento
Julie was interviewed on Good Day Sacramento.
Finding Your Inner Medium
Energy Clearing
She is always open to meeting with groups and bringing her stories, experience and expertise to people. If you are interested in bringing Julie onto your show, blog, vodcast, or such – let us know! You can reach us by email or phone!