About Luminous Passages

Welcome to Luminous Passages
Life is one big journey and you learn a lot along the way.
The creation of Luminous Passages stems from a spiritual awakening I experienced in 2012. I was already a licensed marriage and family therapist with a thriving practice but with the development of my own mediumship abilities, I wanted a place where I could offer those abilities to others. I also wanted to help others expand their consciousness.
I opened Luminous Passages, LLC and it is growing by leaps and bounds with the help of clients spreading the word and Spirit’s support.

I hope you find what you are looking for here. Perhaps you’re wanting a reading to get guidance in your life about relationships, career, purpose, or more. Or, you’re grieving and want to know how your loved one in Spirit is doing. Or, you want to hear from those in other dimensions. Are you here looking for help for your pet? Maybe you want to develop yourself as a medium, or try cutting edge counseling, past life regression, or experience the healing and relaxing benefits of Reiki. Whatever brings you here, I welcome you to explore these pages and call me with questions, or to set up an appointment. There are no accidents. You’re at this page for a reason.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to consider Luminous Passages. The spirit world is intelligent and it’s an honor to be able to do this both for you and for Spirit. I look forward to meeting with you soon and facilitating your connection with Spirit.